Own a business? It’s time to earn more

With Tivy, you can start selling online easily.

Own a business? It’s time to earn more

Own a business? It’s time to earn more

With Tivy, you can start selling online easily.

Simply fast

Simply fast

  • Free — start without investment
  • Online with no programming skills and no specialists involved
  • Keep your independence and uniqueness
  • Your store is only yours, with your loyal customers
  • Get new customers without new costs

For you

From salesperson to restaurant: all forms of small and medium-sized business.

If you know how to use Instagram or have taken orders at home, you'll figure it out quickly.

For you

  • Production

    Shorten the path to the customer. Fewer middlemen, more revenue. Create your own retail in the Internet.

  • Dropshipper

    It's easy to update your assortment. Easy to get payments. Easy to create a good picture of the product.

  • Restaurant

    Make prospects became your loyal group of customers. No need to pay Deliveroo or UBER EATS one-third of your revenue.

  • Flower store

    Increase your reach - new areas of the city will be a good market for you. Without increasing rental space, grow up your revenue.

  • Pharmacy

    Get receipt through Tivy and prepare a pills. Save your and clients time. Own system of online ordering and rewarding loyal customers.

  • Farmer

    Receive paid orders and deliver it by the specified date. It's easy to predict transport costs and you don't need to continue lots of dialogues on social networks.

  • Selling on Instagram

    Save time explaining order details. The order is formed without your control. Receive payments officially to your checking account. Built-in card payment - easy and inexpensive.

  • Selling on Marketplaces

    Create your own unique online storefront. Easy ways to promote your products. No penalties and insane commissions.

  • Selling on Ebay

    The new sales channel and user friendly interface will help to increase the number of orders. A clear and secure form of payment will simplify transactions.

Why Telegram

  • 1 000 000 000

    Almost a billion Telegram users all over the world

  • 20

    More than 20 payment systems working

  • +43%

    Online sales grew a lot last year

  • 5 trillion

    The total volume in 2021 almost 5 trillion USD. In 2026 it reaches 8 trillion

  • 20%

    More than a 20% of all goods in world are sold online

Our platform will give small businesses the capabilities of a major player.

Why Telegram

  • 1 000 000 000

    Almost a billion Telegram users all over the world

  • 20

    More than 20 payment systems working

  • +43%

    Online sales grew a lot last year

  • 5 trillion

    The total volume in 2021 almost 5 trillion USD. In 2026 it reaches 8 trillion

  • 20%

    More than a 20% of all goods in world are sold online

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